Feeling Overwhelmed?

Imagine calming your mind, sleeping peacefully and feeling more joyful.

Your map to joy

This Eight Week Course takes you on a journey of self-reflection to discover ways to STOP suffering from feelings of overwhelm, stress and sleep deprivation. Mastering Mindfulness in all areas of your life will enable you to live the calm and joyful life you deserve.

What you will achieve!

couple, african, happy

 Leave your suffering behind and live a more joyful life from NOW!

What others say about it…

“Thank you so much for this. It’s just what I need right now. I love the way you have set it out. The easy, friendly format and the simplicity of it. 

I am loving it so far Juliet, I find that you have written so clearly with good examples. The messages have been simple yet so helpful.”


“I really like the chatty style in which you clearly explain a concept and the printable which reinforces it.  The mediation this week was good for giving me time to pause and be calm.

Being short means that I don’t find it hard to do it (if something is half an hour long sometimes I just feel I haven’t got time, even if I have).”


Your section called ‘diffusing from feelings’, – hey it actually works ( sorry to sound so suprised, but it’s in a really good way.)

I also like the fact that they are not too long. They’re long enough to make me think, but not so long that I lose concentration (especially good at my age😄).


It has been a great course. It’s so brilliant, so clear and well written. I can’t wait until the next one

I’m totally in awe of you!


Hi, I 'm Juliet

I'm a qualified and experienced Teacher and Mindfulness Consultant, as well as the Author of 'How to Calm Your Class' and 'Mindfulness in a Tin'. I am also on a mission to help you to stop suffering. We humans experience physical and mental pain, but we do NOT have to suffer. When we learn how we amplify our own suffering, we can stop. We can apply Mindfulness and a Mindful Attitude to all aspects of our life, to ease our suffering, calm our mind and make room for joy. You can make this happen and I'd love to help you to do that.

What is this map?

What you will learn…

Course Contents


1. Why we suffer

2. Powerful Acceptance

3. Thoughts and Feelings

4. Mindful Attitudes

5. Better Relationships

6. Presence and Values

7. Sleep, Diet and Action

8. Gratitude, Humour and


Weekly Meditations!

Eight Short, Guided, Audio Meditations designed to bring you into a calm state of mind in just a few minutes.

Listen to an example of one of the meditations here!

Wonderful Workbook!

The MAP to JOY Course Workbook is an online and editable resource. You can use it to journal your thoughts and track your progress and success!